The images below are of a human lice, being viewed through an electron microscope.
Lice have been haunting us for centuries. Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) make their home in our scalp. Lice are most found in the neck area, just above the head and in the congestion hair. Lice's only food source is human blood. Adult lice need human blood twice a day to increase their breed. Head lice are small and without wings that cannot fly or jump. Lice babies are very small, 2 to 3 mm long, and their color is of a perfectly transparent black. The lice have three pairs of feet, which have special paws for crawling and tying the braids of hair. Lice runs so fast in the dry hair.
Lice are found in the heads of more than half of the world's human population. But lice found on human head, cannot grow on any other animal's head or body. Such as various pets dogs, cats, goats etc.
An adult female, can lay up to 8 eggs a day. After sex, she lays approximately 56 eggs. The size of these eggs is up to 0.308 mm. The female lice penetrates their eggs from hairbraids through a liquid, and These eggs stick to the hair. These eggs do not give birth to the substance at the surface of the head, but on hair slightly above the surface. These eggs produce lice babies within 6 to 8 days.
These little lice, grow up after about 6 weeks and are ready to lay eggs again. Therefore, their populations begin to grow very rapidly. The lifespan of these lice is usually up to 6 weeks. Hair Lice that fall out automatically from the hair are usually going to die by themselves. These lice crawl on top of your skull to survive and they survive by smearing their skin several times a day to get their dietary, i.e. human blood. Lice, are more active in the dark. The itching caused by walking or sucking blood can disrupt the sleep of the affected people, thus disturbing their nightly sleep.
Scientists compared head lice and beetle DNA, found that they were separated about a million years ago, suggesting that humans used clothing a million years ago during their evolution. Evolution Was undergoing and the lice found in the head, a million years ago transformed themselves so that they were able to live in clothing.
But human lice (Pubic Lice) is genetically similar to those found in gorilla hair, and genetic comparison between head lice and wool lice suggests that humans about 18 million years ago had got rid of the body hair, and his body had become naked, meanwhile, hair was left on the human body in two places i.e. on the head and then in the specific organs, the woolen hair remained the same lice that were in the rest of the primate, but Human head lice came to their present state through evolution, but later when man migrated from Africa to colder areas, he needed clothing. At that time lice evolved and became bugs for human clothing.
The story of lice gives two proofs of human evolution, one that humans once had hair on their body, and they vanished (humans also had hair on their bodies like big monkeys i.e. PRIMATES), causing existence of two kinds of lice on their body. Then furthermore the lice evolved and they were able to live in clothing. Only the evolution of lice gives tremendous information about human evolution and then biological evolution.