As Chrome Transitions to Manifest V3, Ad Blockers Get Less Effective

Users of uBlock Origin have started seeing a warning in Google Chrome that the popular extension may not be supported by the browser. The problem isn’t uBlock, it’s Chrome: Google’s belated adoption of the Manifest V3 extension platform will soon make many ad- and tracker-blocking extensions less effective.

“Starting with Google Chrome 127, there will be a warning for uBlock Origin (uBO) in your Chrome Extensions page,” Melroy van den Berg writes in the uBlock Origin wiki on GitHub. “This is the result of Manifest V2 support being deprecated in favor of Manifest V3. uBO is a Manifest V2 extension, hence the warning in your Google Chrome browser. There is no Manifest v3 version of uBO, hence the browser will suggest alternative extensions as a replacement for uBO.”

Google announced Manifest V3 five years ago, and it’s been controversial from the get-go. Google has long claimed that the goal is only to make browser extensions more secure. But its critics, in particular, the makers of popular ad- and tracker-blocking extensions, say the restrictions in this platform are designed to help advertisers, not users.

Extension makers have had to adapt, but the net result is pretty clear: These products will be less effective than they were with Manifest V2. Some, like Ghostery, have simply adapted their software to work around the limitations where possible. Others, like uBlock, have split the extension in two: Chrome users will now be offered a less effective extension called uBlock Origin Lite, while users on better browsers will still get the full uBlock Origin.

“uBO Lite (uBOL) is a pared-down version of uBO with a best effort at converting filter lists used by uBO into a Manifest V3-compliant approach, with a focus on reliability and efficiency as has been the case with uBO since first published in June 2014,” van den Berg explains. “However, the focus on reliability and efficiency in a Manifest V3 environment meant having to sacrifice many features beyond those not possible within a Manifest V3 framework.”

Like many Google technology shifts, the Manifest V3 transition has been delayed many times. But back in May, the online giant announced it would begin warning Chrome users with Manifest V2-based extensions about the coming end of support. So that’s what we’re seeing now. Over time, it will disable Manifest V2 extensions automatically, and Chrome will recommend Manifest V3-based alternatives. Google expects to complete this transition by early 2025.

In any event, users who rely on uBlock Origin or other Manifest V2-based extensions have a choice to make. They can switch to less effective V3-based blockers and see how it goes. Or they can use a safer and more secure web browser that isn’t making Manifest V3 a requirement. Brave is the best choice, as it doesn’t even require this type of extension because it effectively blocks trackers and ads automatically. But Firefox is a good choice too, as long as you install a few good extensions (uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, and others).

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